OSM2World 0.4.0 has been released and is available for download on the OSM2World download page.
- upgrade to Java 17
- upgrade to JOGL 2.4.0, drop i586 natives
- new output format: glb
- new input format: GeoDesk
- zipped glTF output
- initial support for including existing glTF models
- command line option for LOD
- LOD support for all modules
- LOD selector in viewer
- ability to read tile metadata from external sources
- ability to read zipped SRTM hgt files
- reasonable default elevation handler
- consistent handling of overlapping features
- rendering of parked vehicles
- padding for textures to avoid clamping artifacts
- 3D building improvements: roof:angle, relation and roof line edge cases
- resolution of config paths relative to config location
- improved logging