
Interface Summary
TerrainBoundaryWorldObject area covered by representations with this interface will not be covered by terrain if the representation is on the ground (according to WorldObject.getGroundState()).
WorldObjectWithOutline world object that has a defined outline that can be used for purposes such as cutting holes into the terrain (if this is instance of TerrainBoundaryWorldObject), cutting tunnels through buildings, preventing bridge pillars from piercing through this WorldObject ...

Class Summary
AbstractAreaWorldObject implementation of AreaWorldObject that offers some basic features: < ul> providing the object outline based on the MapArea providing bounding geometry for intersection tests calculating a triangulation of the surface for rendering
NoOutlineNodeWorldObject superclass for NodeWorldObjects that don't have an outline, and are not part of a network.
NoOutlineWaySegmentWorldObject superclass for WaySegmentWorldObjects that don't have an outline, and are not part of a network.