Uses of Class

Packages that use DebugView

Uses of DebugView in org.osm2world.viewer.control.actions

Constructors in org.osm2world.viewer.control.actions with parameters of type DebugView
ToggleDebugViewAction(DebugView debugView, int mnemonicKey, boolean enabled, ViewerFrame viewerFrame, Data data, RenderOptions renderOptions)

Uses of DebugView in org.osm2world.viewer.model

Fields in org.osm2world.viewer.model with type parameters of type DebugView
 Set<DebugView> RenderOptions.activeDebugViews

Uses of DebugView in org.osm2world.viewer.view.debug

Subclasses of DebugView in org.osm2world.viewer.view.debug
 class ClearingDebugView
          shows information from elevation calculation
 class EleDebugView
          view that shows points with a color depending on their elevation
 class FaceDebugView
          shows decomposition of WorldObjects into faces as they would be written to any FaceTarget
 class HelpView
          view that prints an explanation how to open OSM data.
 class Map2dTreeDebugView
 class MapDataBoundsDebugView
          shows the bounding boxes of map data
 class MapDataDebugView
          shows the plain MapData as a network of nodes, lines and areas
 class MapDataElevationDebugView
          shows the MapData with elevation information
 class NetworkDebugView
          shows information about NetworkWaySegmentWorldObjects
 class OrthoBoundsDebugView
          illustrates the construction of the orthogonal perspective as set by OrthoBoundsAction
 class QuadtreeDebugView
 class RoofDataDebugView
 class SkyboxView
 class TerrainAABBDebugView
          shows the axis-aligned bounding boxes of the terrain cells
 class TerrainBoundaryAABBDebugView
          shows the axis-aligned bounding boxes of the terrain boundaries
 class TerrainBoundaryDebugView
          draws terrain boundaries defined by world objects
 class TerrainCellLabelsView
          Shows each terrain cell's label
 class TerrainElevationGridDebugView
          shows the CellularTerrainElevation
 class TerrainNormalsDebugView
 class TerrainOutlineDebugView
          shows the terrain polygons immediately before triangulation
 class TerrainView
 class WorldObjectNormalsDebugView
 class WorldObjectView