Uses of Class

Packages that use VectorXYZ   
org.osm2world.core.math classes for geometric objects that are used throughout OSM2World 
org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms export targets for the generated models target that creates Wavefront .obj and .mtl files target that creates .pov files for the POVRay raytracer   
org.osm2world.core.terrain.creation functionality used by groups of features that aren't isolated, but form a "network" of nodes, ways and areas 

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in that return VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ TerrainPoint.getPosXYZ()

Uses of VectorXYZ in org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation

Methods in org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation that return VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNode.getCurrentXYZ()
          returns the current 3d position

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in that return VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ NodeElevationProfile.getPointWithEle()
 VectorXYZ NodeElevationProfile.getWithEle(VectorXZ pos)
 VectorXYZ ElevationProfile.getWithEle(VectorXZ pos)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXYZ
 Collection<VectorXYZ> NodeElevationProfile.getPointsWithEle()
abstract  Collection<VectorXYZ> ElevationProfile.getPointsWithEle()
 List<VectorXYZ> WaySegmentElevationProfile.getPointsWithEle()
          returns all points along the line where elevation values exist.
 Collection<VectorXYZ> AreaElevationProfile.getPointsWithEle()
          returns all points on the area where elevation values exist.
 List<VectorXYZ> ElevationProfile.getWithEle(List<VectorXZ> posList)

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 void WaySegmentElevationProfile.addPointWithEle(VectorXYZ pointWithEle)
          adds a result of ElevationCalculator.
 void AreaElevationProfile.addPointWithEle(VectorXYZ pointWithEle)
          adds a result of ElevationCalculator.

Uses of VectorXYZ in org.osm2world.core.math

Fields in org.osm2world.core.math declared as VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZWithNormals.n1
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZWithNormals.n2
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZWithNormals.n3
static VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.NULL_VECTOR
 VectorXYZ LineSegmentXYZ.p1
 VectorXYZ LineSegmentXYZ.p2
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZ.v1
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZ.v2
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZ.v3
static VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.X_UNIT
static VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.Y_UNIT
static VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.Z_UNIT

Methods in org.osm2world.core.math that return VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.add(double x, double y, double z)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.add(VectorXYZ other)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.add(VectorXZ other)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.cross(VectorXYZ other)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.crossNormalized(VectorXYZ other)
          same result as calling normalize() after cross(VectorXYZ), but avoids creating a temporary vector
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZ.getCenter()
 VectorXYZ TriangleXYZ.getNormal()
          returns the normalized normal vector of this triangle
static VectorXYZ GeometryUtil.interpolateBetween(VectorXYZ pos1, VectorXYZ pos2, double influenceRatioPos2)
          three-dimensional version of GeometryUtil.interpolateBetween(VectorXZ, VectorXZ, double)
static VectorXYZ GeometryUtil.interpolateElevation(VectorXZ posForEle, VectorXYZ pos1, VectorXYZ pos2)
          performs linear interpolation of elevation information for a position on a line segment
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.invert()
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.mult(double scalar)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.normalize()
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.rotateVec(double angleRad, VectorXYZ n)
          returns the result of rotating this vector around the given normalized vector n
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.rotateX(double angleRad)
          returns the result of rotating this vector around the x axis
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.rotateY(double angleRad)
          returns the result of rotating this vector around the y axis
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.rotateZ(double angleRad)
          returns the result of rotating this vector around the z axis
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.subtract(VectorXYZ other)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.subtract(VectorXZ other)
static VectorXYZ JTSConversionUtil.vectorXYZFromJTSCoordinate(Coordinate c)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.x(double x)
 VectorXYZ y)
static VectorXYZ vector3D)
          creates a VectorXYZ for any Vector3D object.
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.y(double y)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.z(double z)

Methods in org.osm2world.core.math that return types with arguments of type VectorXYZ
static List<VectorXYZ> VectorXYZ.addYList(List<VectorXYZ> list, double addY)
 List<VectorXYZ> TriangleXYZWithNormals.getNormals()
 List<VectorXYZ> PolygonXYZ.getVertexLoop()
          returns the polygon's vertices.
 List<VectorXYZ> TriangleXYZ.getVertices()
 List<VectorXYZ> PolygonXYZ.getVertices()
          returns the polygon's vertices.
static List<VectorXYZ> VectorXZ.listXYZ(List<VectorXZ> vs, double y)
static List<VectorXYZ> GeometryUtil.sequenceAbove(List<VectorXYZ> sequence, double yDistance)
          returns a sequence of vectors at a distance above an original sequence
static Function<VectorXZ,VectorXYZ> VectorXZ.xyzFunction(double y)

Methods in org.osm2world.core.math with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.add(VectorXYZ other)
 double VectorXYZ.angleTo(VectorXYZ other)
          calculates the angle between this vector and other, but only if both are normalized!
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.cross(VectorXYZ other)
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.crossNormalized(VectorXYZ other)
          same result as calling normalize() after cross(VectorXYZ), but avoids creating a temporary vector
 double VectorXYZ.distanceTo(VectorXYZ other)
 double VectorXYZ.distanceToSquared(VectorXYZ other)
 double VectorXYZ.distanceToXZ(VectorXYZ other)
 double other)
static VectorXYZ GeometryUtil.interpolateBetween(VectorXYZ pos1, VectorXYZ pos2, double influenceRatioPos2)
          three-dimensional version of GeometryUtil.interpolateBetween(VectorXZ, VectorXZ, double)
static VectorXYZ GeometryUtil.interpolateElevation(VectorXZ posForEle, VectorXYZ pos1, VectorXYZ pos2)
          performs linear interpolation of elevation information for a position on a line segment
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.rotateVec(double angleRad, VectorXYZ n)
          returns the result of rotating this vector around the given normalized vector n
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.subtract(VectorXYZ other)
static Coordinate JTSConversionUtil.vectorXYZToJTSCoordinate(VectorXYZ v)
static VectorXYZ vector3D)
          creates a VectorXYZ for any Vector3D object.

Method parameters in org.osm2world.core.math with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
static List<VectorXYZ> VectorXYZ.addYList(List<VectorXYZ> list, double addY)
static List<VectorXYZ> GeometryUtil.sequenceAbove(List<VectorXYZ> sequence, double yDistance)
          returns a sequence of vectors at a distance above an original sequence
static List<TriangleXYZ> GeometryUtil.trianglesFromTriangleFan(List<? extends VectorXYZ> vs)
static List<TriangleXYZ> GeometryUtil.trianglesFromTriangleStrip(List<? extends VectorXYZ> vs)
static List<TriangleXYZ> GeometryUtil.trianglesFromVertexList(List<? extends VectorXYZ> vs)

Constructors in org.osm2world.core.math with parameters of type VectorXYZ
LineSegmentXYZ(VectorXYZ p1, VectorXYZ p2)
TriangleXYZ(VectorXYZ v1, VectorXYZ v2, VectorXYZ v3)
TriangleXYZWithNormals(TriangleXYZ t, VectorXYZ n1, VectorXYZ n2, VectorXYZ n3)
TriangleXYZWithNormals(VectorXYZ v1, VectorXYZ v2, VectorXYZ v3, VectorXYZ n1, VectorXYZ n2, VectorXYZ n3)

Constructor parameters in org.osm2world.core.math with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
PolygonXYZ(List<VectorXYZ> vertexLoop)

Uses of VectorXYZ in org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms

Methods in org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms that return types with arguments of type VectorXYZ
static List<VectorXYZ> NormalCalculationUtil.calculateTriangleFanNormals(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, boolean smooth)
static List<VectorXYZ> NormalCalculationUtil.calculateTriangleNormals(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, boolean smooth)
          calculates normals for a collection of triangles
static List<VectorXYZ> NormalCalculationUtil.calculateTriangleStripNormals(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, boolean smooth)

Method parameters in org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
static List<VectorXYZ> NormalCalculationUtil.calculateTriangleFanNormals(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, boolean smooth)
static List<VectorXYZ> NormalCalculationUtil.calculateTriangleNormals(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, boolean smooth)
          calculates normals for a collection of triangles
static List<VectorXYZ> NormalCalculationUtil.calculateTriangleStripNormals(List<VectorXYZ> vertices, boolean smooth)

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 void Target.drawBox(Material material, VectorXYZ bottomCenter, VectorXZ faceDirection, double height, double width, double depth)
          draws a box with outward-facing polygons.
 void Target.drawColumn(Material material, Integer corners, VectorXYZ base, double height, double radiusBottom, double radiusTop, boolean drawBottom, boolean drawTop)
          draws a column with outward-facing polygons around a point.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
 void Target.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws a convex polygon
 void Target.drawTriangleFan(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws a triangle fan.
 void Target.drawTriangleStrip(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws a triangle strip.

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Fields in declared as VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ FaceTarget.Face.normal
 VectorXYZ FaceTarget.IsolatedTriangle.normal

Fields in with type parameters of type VectorXYZ
 List<VectorXYZ> Primitive.normals
 List<VectorXYZ> Primitive.vertices
 List<VectorXYZ> FaceTarget.Face.vs

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 void AbstractTarget.drawBox(Material material, VectorXYZ bottomCenter, VectorXZ faceDirection, double height, double width, double depth)
 void AbstractTarget.drawColumn(Material material, Integer corners, VectorXYZ base, double height, double radiusBottom, double radiusTop, boolean drawBottom, boolean drawTop)
protected static boolean FaceTarget.normalAlmostEquals(VectorXYZ n1, VectorXYZ n2)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
 void FaceTarget.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void AbstractTarget.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
abstract  void FaceTarget.drawFace(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
abstract  void FaceTarget.drawFace(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected abstract  void PrimitiveTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected abstract  void PrimitiveTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void PrimitiveTarget.drawTriangleFan(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void AbstractTarget.drawTriangleFan(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void PrimitiveTarget.drawTriangleStrip(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void AbstractTarget.drawTriangleStrip(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Constructors in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
FaceTarget.Face(List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists, VectorXYZ normal)
FaceTarget.IsolatedTriangle(TriangleXYZ triangle, VectorXYZ normal, int texCoordOffset, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
FaceTarget.Face(List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists, VectorXYZ normal)
Primitive(Primitive.Type type, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
Primitive(Primitive.Type type, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Fields in declared as VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ GlobalLightingParameters.lightFromDirection
          source of the scene's directional lighting; null disables it and leaves only ambient lighting

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in that return VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ Camera.getLookAt()
 VectorXYZ Camera.getPos()
 VectorXYZ Camera.getRight()
          returns the vector that is orthogonal to the connection between pos and lookAt and points to the right of it.
 VectorXYZ Camera.getUp()
 VectorXYZ Camera.getViewDirection()
          returns the view direction vector with length 1

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 void Camera.move(VectorXYZ move)
          moves both pos and lookAt by the given vector
 void Camera.setPos(VectorXYZ pos)

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 void JOGLTarget.drawLineStrip(Color color, int width, VectorXYZ... vs)
 void JOGLTarget.drawPoints(Color color, VectorXYZ... vs)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
 void JOGLTarget.drawLineLoop(Color color, int width, List<VectorXYZ> vs)
 void JOGLTarget.drawLineStrip(Color color, int width, List<VectorXYZ> vs)
static void JOGLTarget.drawPrimitive(GL2 gl, int glPrimitiveType, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
static void JOGLTarget.drawPrimitive(GL2 gl, int glPrimitiveType, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected  void PrimitiveBuffer.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected  void PrimitiveBuffer.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected  void JOGLTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected  void JOGLTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
 void ObjTarget.drawFace(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void ObjTarget.drawFace(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 void POVRayTarget.appendPolygon(VectorXYZ... vs)
 void POVRayTarget.appendTriangle(VectorXYZ a, VectorXYZ b, VectorXYZ c)
 void POVRayTarget.appendTriangle(VectorXYZ a, VectorXYZ b, VectorXYZ c, VectorXYZ na, VectorXYZ nb, VectorXYZ nc, boolean smooth)
 void POVRayTarget.appendTriangle(VectorXYZ a, VectorXYZ b, VectorXYZ c, VectorXYZ na, VectorXYZ nb, VectorXYZ nc, VectorXZ ta, VectorXZ tb, VectorXZ tc, boolean smooth, boolean texture)
 void POVRayTarget.appendVector(VectorXYZ vector)
          alternative to POVRayTarget.appendVector(double, double) using a vector object as parameter instead of individual coordinates
 void POVRayTarget.drawColumn(Material material, Integer corners, VectorXYZ base, double height, double radiusBottom, double radiusTop, boolean drawBottom, boolean drawTop)
 void POVRayTarget.drawColumn(Material material, Integer corners, VectorXYZ base, VectorXYZ cap, double radiusBottom, double radiusTop, boolean drawBottom, boolean drawTop)
          variant of POVRayTarget.drawColumn(Material, Integer, VectorXYZ, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) that allows arbitrarily placed columns

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
 void POVRayTarget.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
protected  void StatisticsTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected  void StatisticsTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXYZ in org.osm2world.core.terrain.creation

Methods in org.osm2world.core.terrain.creation that return VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ TemporaryElevationStorage.restoreElevationForVector(VectorXZ vector)
          returns the 3d vector at a position; either by retrieving a previously existing vector or by interpolating along interpolation lines

Methods in org.osm2world.core.terrain.creation with parameters of type VectorXYZ
 void TemporaryElevationStorage.addVector(VectorXZ vXZ, VectorXYZ vXYZ)
          adds the 3d version of a flattened vector so that the 3d version can later be retrieved.

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Fields in with type parameters of type VectorXYZ
protected static List<VectorXYZ> RoadModule.Road.HANDRAIL_SHAPE

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXYZ
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createLineBetween(List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline, float ratio)
static List<List<VectorXYZ>> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createShapeExtrusionAlong(List<VectorXYZ> shape, List<VectorXYZ> extrusionPath, List<VectorXYZ> upVectors)
          creates triangle strip vectors for a shape extruded along a line of coordinates
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createTriangleStripBetween(List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline)
          creates a triangle strip between two outlines with identical number of vectors
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createVerticalTriangleStrip(List<? extends VectorXYZ> baseLine, float stripLowerYBound, float stripUpperYBound)
          creates the vectors for a vertical triangle strip at a given elevation above a line of points
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.rotateShapeX(List<VectorXYZ> shape, double angle, double posY, double posZ)
          creates an rotated version of a list of vectors by rotating them by the given angle around the parallel of the x axis defined by the given Y and Z coordinates
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.transformShape(List<VectorXYZ> shape, VectorXYZ center, VectorXYZ forward, VectorXYZ up)
          moves a shape that was defined at the origin to a new position.

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXYZ
static void WorldModuleBillboardUtil.renderCrosstree(Target<?> target, Material material, VectorXYZ pos, double width, double height, boolean mirroredTextures)
          renders a "cross tree" shape.
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.transformShape(List<VectorXYZ> shape, VectorXYZ center, VectorXYZ forward, VectorXYZ up)
          moves a shape that was defined at the origin to a new position.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXYZ
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createLineBetween(List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline, float ratio)
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createLineBetween(List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline, float ratio)
static List<List<VectorXYZ>> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createShapeExtrusionAlong(List<VectorXYZ> shape, List<VectorXYZ> extrusionPath, List<VectorXYZ> upVectors)
          creates triangle strip vectors for a shape extruded along a line of coordinates
static List<List<VectorXYZ>> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createShapeExtrusionAlong(List<VectorXYZ> shape, List<VectorXYZ> extrusionPath, List<VectorXYZ> upVectors)
          creates triangle strip vectors for a shape extruded along a line of coordinates
static List<List<VectorXYZ>> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createShapeExtrusionAlong(List<VectorXYZ> shape, List<VectorXYZ> extrusionPath, List<VectorXYZ> upVectors)
          creates triangle strip vectors for a shape extruded along a line of coordinates
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createTriangleStripBetween(List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline)
          creates a triangle strip between two outlines with identical number of vectors
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createTriangleStripBetween(List<VectorXYZ> leftOutline, List<VectorXYZ> rightOutline)
          creates a triangle strip between two outlines with identical number of vectors
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.createVerticalTriangleStrip(List<? extends VectorXYZ> baseLine, float stripLowerYBound, float stripUpperYBound)
          creates the vectors for a vertical triangle strip at a given elevation above a line of points
static List<List<VectorXZ>> WorldModuleTexturingUtil.globalTexCoordLists(List<VectorXYZ> vs, Material material, boolean vertical)
          creates texture coordinates based only on the vertex coordinates in the global coordinate system and the texture size
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.rotateShapeX(List<VectorXYZ> shape, double angle, double posY, double posZ)
          creates an rotated version of a list of vectors by rotating them by the given angle around the parallel of the x axis defined by the given Y and Z coordinates
static List<VectorXYZ> WorldModuleGeometryUtil.transformShape(List<VectorXYZ> shape, VectorXYZ center, VectorXYZ forward, VectorXYZ up)
          moves a shape that was defined at the origin to a new position.
static List<List<VectorXZ>> WorldModuleTexturingUtil.wallTexCoordLists(List<VectorXYZ> vs, Material material)
          creates texture coordinates for a triangle strip, based on the length along a wall from the starting point, height of the vertex, and texture size.

Uses of VectorXYZ in

Methods in that return VectorXYZ
 VectorXYZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getPointOnCut(boolean start, double relativePosFromLeft)
          returns a point on the start or end cut line.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXYZ
 List<VectorXYZ> AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getCenterline()
          returns a sequence of node running along the center of the line from start to end (each with offset).
 List<VectorXYZ> AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getOutline(boolean right)
          provides the left or right border (a line at an appropriate distance from the center line), taking into account cut vectors, offsets and elevation information.
 List<VectorXYZ> VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject.getOutline(int from, int to)
          provides outline for the areas covered by the connector.
 List<VectorXYZ> JunctionNodeWorldObject.getOutline(int from, int to)
          provides outline for the areas covered by the junction.

Uses of VectorXYZ in org.osm2world.viewer.view.debug

Methods in org.osm2world.viewer.view.debug with parameters of type VectorXYZ
protected static void DebugView.drawArrow(JOGLTarget target, Color color, float headLength, VectorXYZ... vs)
protected static void DebugView.drawBox(JOGLTarget target, Color color, VectorXYZ v1, VectorXYZ v2, VectorXYZ v3, VectorXYZ v4)
protected static void DebugView.drawBoxAround(JOGLTarget target, VectorXYZ center, Color color, float halfWidth)