Uses of Class

Packages that use VectorXZ
org.osm2world.core.math classes for geometric objects that are used throughout OSM2World 
org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms export targets for the generated models target that creates Wavefront .obj and .mtl files target that creates .pov files for the POVRay raytracer   
org.osm2world.core.terrain.creation functionality used by groups of features that aren't isolated, but form a "network" of nodes, ways and areas 

Uses of VectorXZ in org.osm2world.core.heightmap.creation

Methods in org.osm2world.core.heightmap.creation with parameters of type VectorXZ
protected  Float EmptyTerrainElevationGrid.getElevation(VectorXZ pos)
protected  Float FlatTerrainElevation.getElevation(VectorXZ pos)
protected  Float WaveTerrainElevation.getElevation(VectorXZ pos)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in that return VectorXZ
 VectorXZ TerrainPoint.getPos()

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
protected abstract  Float AbstractCellularTerrainElevation.getElevation(VectorXZ pos)

Constructors in with parameters of type VectorXZ
TerrainPoint(VectorXZ pos, Float ele)

Uses of VectorXZ in org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation

Methods in org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation that return VectorXZ
 VectorXZ HackMapProjection.calcPos(double lat, double lon)
 VectorXZ MapProjection.calcPos(double lat, double lon)
 VectorXZ HackMapProjection.calcPos(LatLon latlon)
 VectorXZ MapProjection.calcPos(LatLon latlon)
 VectorXZ HackMapProjection.getNorthUnit()
 VectorXZ MapProjection.getNorthUnit()
          returns a vector that points one meter to the north from the position that becomes the coordinate origin

Methods in org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation with parameters of type VectorXZ
 double HackMapProjection.calcLat(VectorXZ pos)
 double MapProjection.calcLat(VectorXZ pos)
          inverse for MapProjection.calcPos(double, double)
 double HackMapProjection.calcLon(VectorXZ pos)
 double MapProjection.calcLon(VectorXZ pos)
          inverse for MapProjection.calcPos(double, double)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in that return VectorXZ
 VectorXZ MapSegment.getCenter()
          returns the center of the line
 VectorXZ MapData.getCenter()
          calculates the center from the MapNodes' positions
 VectorXZ MapSegment.getDirection()
          returns a normalized vector indicating the line's horizontal direction
 VectorXZ MapNode.getPos()
 VectorXZ MapSegment.getRightNormal()
          returns a the result of applying rightNormal() to vector returned by MapSegment.getDirection()

Constructors in with parameters of type VectorXZ
MapNode(VectorXZ pos, OSMNode osmNode)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Fields in declared as VectorXZ
 VectorXZ MapIntersectionWW.pos

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXZ
 Collection<VectorXZ> MapOverlapAA.getIntersectionPositions()
 Collection<VectorXZ> MapOverlapWA.getIntersectionPositions()

Constructors in with parameters of type VectorXZ
MapIntersectionWW(MapWaySegment line1, MapWaySegment line2, VectorXZ pos)

Uses of VectorXZ in org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation

Methods in org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation that return VectorXZ
abstract  VectorXZ AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNode.getPos()
          returns the x-z-position of this node (this position is fixed during the simulation)
 VectorXZ AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNodeOnNode.getPos()
 VectorXZ AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNodeOnLine.getPos()
 VectorXZ AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNodeOnArea.getPos()
 VectorXZ AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNodeOnTerrainPoint.getPos()

Constructors in org.osm2world.core.map_elevation.creation with parameters of type VectorXZ
AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNodeOnArea(MapArea area, VectorXZ pos)
AdvancedAbstractElevationCalculator.AbstractElevationDeterminationScenario.ForceNodeOnLine(MapWaySegment line, VectorXZ pos)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
 double NodeElevationProfile.getEleAt(VectorXZ pos)
abstract  double ElevationProfile.getEleAt(VectorXZ pos)
 double WaySegmentElevationProfile.getEleAt(VectorXZ pos)
 double AreaElevationProfile.getEleAt(VectorXZ pos)
 VectorXYZ NodeElevationProfile.getWithEle(VectorXZ pos)
 VectorXYZ ElevationProfile.getWithEle(VectorXZ pos)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
 List<VectorXYZ> ElevationProfile.getWithEle(List<VectorXZ> posList)

Uses of VectorXZ in org.osm2world.core.math

Fields in org.osm2world.core.math declared as VectorXZ
static VectorXZ VectorXZ.NULL_VECTOR
 VectorXZ LineSegmentXZ.p1
 VectorXZ LineSegmentXZ.p2
 VectorXZ TriangleXZ.v1
 VectorXZ TriangleXZ.v2
 VectorXZ TriangleXZ.v3
static VectorXZ VectorXZ.X_UNIT
static VectorXZ VectorXZ.Z_UNIT

Fields in org.osm2world.core.math with type parameters of type VectorXZ
protected  List<VectorXZ> PolygonXZ.vertexLoop
          polygon vertices; first and last vertex are equal

Methods in org.osm2world.core.math that return VectorXZ
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.add(VectorXZ other)
          adds the parameter to this vector and returns the result
 VectorXZ AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ.bottomLeft()
 VectorXZ AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ.bottomRight()
static VectorXZ VectorXZ.fromAngle(double directionRad)
          returns a unit vector based on an angular direction.
 VectorXZ PolygonXZ.getCenter()
          returns the average of all vertex coordinates.
 VectorXZ TriangleXZ.getCenter()
 VectorXZ LineSegmentXZ.getCenter()
 VectorXZ SimplePolygonXZ.getCentroid()
          returns the centroid (or "barycenter") of the polygon
 VectorXZ LineSegmentXZ.getIntersection(VectorXZ segmentP1, VectorXZ segmentP2)
          returns the intersection between this line segment and the line segment defined by the parameters; null if none exists.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.getLineIntersection(VectorXZ pointA, VectorXZ directionA, VectorXZ pointB, VectorXZ directionB)
          returns the position vector where two lines intersect.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.getLineSegmentIntersection(VectorXZ pointA1, VectorXZ pointA2, VectorXZ pointB1, VectorXZ pointB2)
          returns the position vector where two line segments intersect.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.getTrueLineSegmentIntersection(VectorXZ pointA1, VectorXZ pointA2, VectorXZ pointB1, VectorXZ pointB2)
          variant of GeometryUtil.getLineSegmentIntersection(VectorXZ, VectorXZ, VectorXZ, VectorXZ) that also returns null (= does not announce an intersection) if the two segments share an end point
 VectorXZ PolygonXZ.getVertex(int index)
          returns the vertex at a position in the vertex sequence
 VectorXZ PolygonXZ.getVertexAfter(int index)
          returns the successor of the vertex at a position in the vertex sequence.
 VectorXZ PolygonXZ.getVertexBefore(int index)
          returns the predecessor of the vertex at a position in the vertex sequence.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.interpolateBetween(VectorXZ pos1, VectorXZ pos2, double influenceRatioPos2)
          returns a point on a line segment between pos1 and pos2, with parameterized placement between the two end nodes.
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.invert()
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.mult(double scalar)
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.normalize()
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.rightNormal()
          returns the vector that would result from calculating the cross product of this vector (normalized and extended to three dimensions) and (0,1,0).
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.subtract(VectorXZ other)
          subtracts the parameter from this vector and returns the result
 VectorXZ AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ.topLeft()
 VectorXZ AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ.topRight()
static VectorXZ JTSConversionUtil.vectorXZFromJTSCoordinate(Coordinate c)
 VectorXZ VectorXYZ.xz()

Methods in org.osm2world.core.math that return types with arguments of type VectorXZ
static Function<VectorXZ,Double> VectorXZ.distanceFunction(VectorXZ v1)
static List<VectorXZ> GeometryUtil.distributePointsOn(long seed, PolygonWithHolesXZ polygonWithHolesXZ, AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ boundary, double density, double minimumDistance)
          distributes points pseudo-randomly on a polygon area.
static List<VectorXZ> GeometryUtil.equallyDistributePointsAlong(double preferredDistance, boolean pointsAtStartAndEnd, List<VectorXZ> points)
          distributes points along a line segment sequence.
static List<VectorXZ> GeometryUtil.equallyDistributePointsAlong(double preferredDistance, boolean pointsAtStartAndEnd, VectorXZ lineStart, VectorXZ lineEnd)
          distributes points along a line segment.
 List<VectorXZ> PolygonXZ.getVertexCollection()
          returns a collection that contains all vertices of this polygon at least once.
 List<VectorXZ> PolygonXZ.getVertexLoop()
          returns the polygon's vertices.
 List<VectorXZ> PolygonXZ.getVertices()
          returns the polygon's vertices.
 List<VectorXZ> TriangleXZ.getVertices()
 Collection<VectorXZ> PolygonXZ.intersectionPositions(LineSegmentXZ lineSegment)
 Collection<VectorXZ> PolygonWithHolesXZ.intersectionPositions(LineSegmentXZ lineSegment)
 Collection<VectorXZ> PolygonWithHolesXZ.intersectionPositions(PolygonWithHolesXZ p2)
static Function<VectorXZ,VectorXYZ> VectorXZ.xyzFunction(double y)

Methods in org.osm2world.core.math with parameters of type VectorXZ
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.add(VectorXZ other)
          adds the parameter to this vector and returns the result
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.add(VectorXZ other)
 double VectorXZ.angleTo(VectorXZ other)
static boolean SimplePolygonXZ.contains(List<VectorXZ> polygonVertexLoop, VectorXZ test)
          returns true if the polygon defined by the polygonVertexLoop parameter contains a given position
 boolean SimplePolygonXZ.contains(VectorXZ test)
          returns true if the polygon contains a given position
 boolean PolygonWithHolesXZ.contains(VectorXZ v)
 boolean AxisAlignedBoundingBoxXZ.contains(VectorXZ v)
 boolean TriangleXZ.contains(VectorXZ point)
static double VectorXZ.distance(VectorXZ v1, VectorXZ v2)
static double GeometryUtil.distanceFromLine(VectorXZ p, VectorXZ v1, VectorXZ v2)
          returns the closest distance between point p and a line defined by two points
static double GeometryUtil.distanceFromLineSegment(VectorXZ p, LineSegmentXZ s)
          returns the closest distance between point p and line segment s
static Function<VectorXZ,Double> VectorXZ.distanceFunction(VectorXZ v1)
static double VectorXZ.distanceSquared(VectorXZ v1, VectorXZ v2)
 double VectorXZ.distanceTo(VectorXZ other)
 double SimplePolygonXZ.distanceToSegments(VectorXZ p)
          returns the distance of a point to the segments this polygon.
 double VectorXYZ.distanceToXZ(VectorXZ other)
 double other)
static List<VectorXZ> GeometryUtil.equallyDistributePointsAlong(double preferredDistance, boolean pointsAtStartAndEnd, VectorXZ lineStart, VectorXZ lineEnd)
          distributes points along a line segment.
 LineSegmentXZ PolygonXZ.getClosestSegment(VectorXZ point)
          returns the polygon segment with minimum distance to a given point
 VectorXZ LineSegmentXZ.getIntersection(VectorXZ segmentP1, VectorXZ segmentP2)
          returns the intersection between this line segment and the line segment defined by the parameters; null if none exists.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.getLineIntersection(VectorXZ pointA, VectorXZ directionA, VectorXZ pointB, VectorXZ directionB)
          returns the position vector where two lines intersect.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.getLineSegmentIntersection(VectorXZ pointA1, VectorXZ pointA2, VectorXZ pointB1, VectorXZ pointB2)
          returns the position vector where two line segments intersect.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.getTrueLineSegmentIntersection(VectorXZ pointA1, VectorXZ pointA2, VectorXZ pointB1, VectorXZ pointB2)
          variant of GeometryUtil.getLineSegmentIntersection(VectorXZ, VectorXZ, VectorXZ, VectorXZ) that also returns null (= does not announce an intersection) if the two segments share an end point
static PolygonXZ GeometryUtil.insertIntoPolygon(PolygonXZ polygon, VectorXZ point, double snapDistance)
          returns a polygon that is constructed from a given polygon by inserting a point into one of the segments of the original polygon.
static VectorXZ GeometryUtil.interpolateBetween(VectorXZ pos1, VectorXZ pos2, double influenceRatioPos2)
          returns a point on a line segment between pos1 and pos2, with parameterized placement between the two end nodes.
static VectorXYZ GeometryUtil.interpolateElevation(VectorXZ posForEle, VectorXYZ pos1, VectorXYZ pos2)
          performs linear interpolation of elevation information for a position on a line segment
static double GeometryUtil.interpolateValue(VectorXZ posForValue, VectorXZ pos1, double valueAt1, VectorXZ pos2, double valueAt2)
          performs linear interpolation of any value for a position on a line segment
 boolean PolygonXZ.intersects(VectorXZ segmentP1, VectorXZ segmentP2)
          returns true if there is an intersection between this polygon and the line segment defined by the parameter
 boolean LineSegmentXZ.intersects(VectorXZ segmentP1, VectorXZ segmentP2)
          returns true if there is an intersection between this line segment and the line segment defined by the parameters
static boolean GeometryUtil.isBetween(VectorXZ p, VectorXZ l1, VectorXZ l2)
          returns true if p is "between" l1 and l2, i.e.
static boolean GeometryUtil.isRightOf(VectorXZ p, VectorXZ l1, VectorXZ l2)
          returns true if the point p is on the right of the line though l1 and l2
 SimplePolygonXZ SimplePolygonXZ.shift(VectorXZ shiftVector)
          creates a new polygon by adding a shift vector to each vector of this
 VectorXZ VectorXZ.subtract(VectorXZ other)
          subtracts the parameter from this vector and returns the result
 VectorXYZ VectorXYZ.subtract(VectorXZ other)
static Coordinate JTSConversionUtil.vectorXZToJTSCoordinate(VectorXZ v)

Method parameters in org.osm2world.core.math with type arguments of type VectorXZ
protected static void PolygonXZ.assertLoopProperty(List<VectorXZ> vertexLoop)
          checks that the first and last vertex of the vertex list are equal.
static boolean SimplePolygonXZ.contains(List<VectorXZ> polygonVertexLoop, VectorXZ test)
          returns true if the polygon defined by the polygonVertexLoop parameter contains a given position
static List<VectorXZ> GeometryUtil.equallyDistributePointsAlong(double preferredDistance, boolean pointsAtStartAndEnd, List<VectorXZ> points)
          distributes points along a line segment sequence.
static boolean PolygonXZ.isSelfIntersecting(List<VectorXZ> polygonVertexLoop)
          returns true if the polygon defined by the polygonVertexLoop parameter is self-intersecting
static List<VectorXYZ> VectorXZ.listXYZ(List<VectorXZ> vs, double y)

Constructors in org.osm2world.core.math with parameters of type VectorXZ
LineSegmentXZ(VectorXZ p1, VectorXZ p2)
TriangleXZ(VectorXZ v1, VectorXZ v2, VectorXZ v3)

Constructor parameters in org.osm2world.core.math with type arguments of type VectorXZ
PolygonXZ(List<VectorXZ> vertexLoop)
SimplePolygonXZ(List<VectorXZ> vertexLoop)

Uses of VectorXZ in org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms

Method parameters in org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms with type arguments of type VectorXZ
static void EarClippingTriangulationUtil.insertHolesInPolygonOutline(List<VectorXZ> polygonOutline, Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> holes)
          inserts multiple holes into a polygon outline using EarClippingTriangulationUtil.insertHoleInPolygonOutline(List, SimplePolygonXZ, List) TODO: public for debugging purposes
static List<TriangleXZ> TriangulationUtil.triangulate(PolygonWithHolesXZ polygon, Collection<VectorXZ> points)
static List<TriangleXZ> JTSTriangulationUtil.triangulate(SimplePolygonXZ polygon, Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> holes, Collection<LineSegmentXZ> segments, Collection<VectorXZ> points)
          variant of JTSTriangulationUtil.triangulate(SimplePolygonXZ, Collection) that accepts some unconnected points within the polygon area and will try to create triangle vertices at these points.
static List<TriangleXZ> TriangulationUtil.triangulate(SimplePolygonXZ outerPolygon, Collection<SimplePolygonXZ> holes, Collection<VectorXZ> points)
          triangulates a two-dimensional polygon with holes and unconnected points.

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
 void Target.drawBox(Material material, VectorXYZ bottomCenter, VectorXZ faceDirection, double height, double width, double depth)
          draws a box with outward-facing polygons.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
 void Target.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws a convex polygon
 void Target.drawTriangleFan(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws a triangle fan.
 void Target.drawTriangles(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZ> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws triangles.
 void Target.drawTriangleStrip(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws a triangle strip.
 void Target.drawTrianglesWithNormals(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZWithNormals> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
          draws triangles with explicitly defined normal vectors.

Uses of VectorXZ in

Fields in with type parameters of type VectorXZ
protected static List<VectorXZ> AbstractTarget.BOX_TEX_COORDS_1
protected static List<VectorXZ> AbstractTarget.BOX_TEX_COORDS_2
 List<List<VectorXZ>> FaceTarget.Face.texCoordLists
 List<List<VectorXZ>> FaceTarget.IsolatedTriangle.texCoordLists
 List<List<VectorXZ>> Primitive.texCoordLists

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
 void AbstractTarget.drawBox(Material material, VectorXYZ bottomCenter, VectorXZ faceDirection, double height, double width, double depth)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
 void FaceTarget.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void AbstractTarget.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
abstract  void FaceTarget.drawFace(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected abstract  void PrimitiveTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void PrimitiveTarget.drawTriangleFan(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void AbstractTarget.drawTriangleFan(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void PrimitiveTarget.drawTriangles(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZ> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void FaceTarget.drawTriangles(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZ> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void PrimitiveTarget.drawTriangleStrip(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void AbstractTarget.drawTriangleStrip(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void PrimitiveTarget.drawTrianglesWithNormals(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZWithNormals> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void FaceTarget.drawTrianglesWithNormals(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZWithNormals> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
FaceTarget.Face(List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists, VectorXYZ normal)
FaceTarget.IsolatedTriangle(TriangleXYZ triangle, VectorXYZ normal, int texCoordOffset, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
Primitive(Primitive.Type type, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
static void JOGLTarget.drawPrimitive(GL2 gl, int glPrimitiveType, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected  void PrimitiveBuffer.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
protected  void JOGLTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vertices, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
 void ObjTarget.drawFace(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void ObjTarget.drawTriangles(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZ> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void ObjTarget.drawTrianglesWithNormals(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZWithNormals> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
 void POVRayTarget.appendInverseVector(VectorXZ vector)
          append a vector with inverted coordinates
 void POVRayTarget.appendPrism(float y1, float y2, VectorXZ... vs)
 void POVRayTarget.appendTriangle(VectorXYZ a, VectorXYZ b, VectorXYZ c, VectorXYZ na, VectorXYZ nb, VectorXYZ nc, VectorXZ ta, VectorXZ tb, VectorXZ tc, boolean smooth, boolean texture)
 void POVRayTarget.appendVector(VectorXZ vector)
          alternative to POVRayTarget.appendVector(double, double) using a vector object as parameter instead of individual coordinates

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
 void POVRayTarget.drawConvexPolygon(Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void POVRayTarget.drawTriangles(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZ> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)
 void POVRayTarget.drawTrianglesWithNormals(Material material, Collection<? extends TriangleXYZWithNormals> triangles, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
protected  void StatisticsTarget.drawPrimitive(Primitive.Type type, Material material, List<VectorXYZ> vs, List<VectorXYZ> normals, List<List<VectorXZ>> texCoordLists)

Uses of VectorXZ in org.osm2world.core.terrain.creation

Methods in org.osm2world.core.terrain.creation with parameters of type VectorXZ
 void TemporaryElevationStorage.addVector(VectorXZ vXZ, VectorXYZ vXYZ)
          adds the 3d version of a flattened vector so that the 3d version can later be retrieved.
 VectorXYZ TemporaryElevationStorage.restoreElevationForVector(VectorXZ vector)
          returns the 3d vector at a position; either by retrieving a previously existing vector or by interpolating along interpolation lines

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXZ
 Collection<VectorXZ> GenericTerrainPatch.getPoints()

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
GenericTerrainPatch(PolygonWithHolesXZ polygon, Collection<VectorXZ> points, TemporaryElevationStorage eleStorage)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in that return VectorXZ
 VectorXZ NoOutlineWaySegmentWorldObject.getEndPosition()
 VectorXZ WaySegmentWorldObject.getEndPosition()
          returns the end position.
 VectorXZ NoOutlineWaySegmentWorldObject.getStartPosition()
 VectorXZ WaySegmentWorldObject.getStartPosition()
          returns the start position.

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
 double WorldObject.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
          returns the amount of free space above the base elevation required by this feature.
 double WorldObject.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
          returns the amount of free space below the base elevation required by this feature.

Uses of VectorXZ in

Fields in declared as VectorXZ
 VectorXZ RoadModule.Road.endCoord
 VectorXZ RoadModule.Road.startCoord

Methods in that return VectorXZ
 VectorXZ TunnelModule.Tunnel.getEndPosition()
 VectorXZ TunnelModule.Tunnel.getStartPosition()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXZ
abstract  Collection<VectorXZ> BuildingModule.BuildingPart.HeightfieldRoof.getInnerPoints()
          returns segments within the roof polygon that define apex nodes of the roof

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
 double RoadModule.RoadConnector.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double RoadModule.RoadCrossingAtConnector.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double RoadModule.Road.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double RoadModule.RoadArea.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double BuildingModule.Building.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double BuildingModule.BuildingPart.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double WaterModule.Waterway.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double WaterModule.RiverJunction.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double WaterModule.Water.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double TunnelModule.Tunnel.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double TunnelModule.TunnelEntrance.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double TunnelModule.TunnelJunction.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double RailwayModule.RailJunction.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double RoadModule.RoadConnector.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double RoadModule.RoadCrossingAtConnector.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double RoadModule.Road.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double RoadModule.RoadArea.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double BuildingModule.Building.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double WaterModule.Waterway.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double WaterModule.RiverJunction.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double WaterModule.Water.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double TunnelModule.Tunnel.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double TunnelModule.TunnelEntrance.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double TunnelModule.TunnelJunction.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 double RailwayModule.RailJunction.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
protected abstract  Double BuildingModule.BuildingPart.HeightfieldRoof.getRoofEleAt_noInterpolation(VectorXZ pos)
          returns roof elevation at a position.
 double BuildingModule.BuildingPart.Roof.getRoofEleAt(VectorXZ coord)
          returns roof elevation at a position.
 double BuildingModule.BuildingPart.HeightfieldRoof.getRoofEleAt(VectorXZ v)

Uses of VectorXZ in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXZ
static List<List<VectorXZ>> WorldModuleTexturingUtil.globalTexCoordLists(Collection<TriangleXYZ> triangles, Material material, boolean vertical)
          variant of WorldModuleTexturingUtil.globalTexCoordLists(List, Material, boolean) based on a triangle collection
static List<List<VectorXZ>> WorldModuleTexturingUtil.globalTexCoordLists(List<VectorXYZ> vs, Material material, boolean vertical)
          creates texture coordinates based only on the vertex coordinates in the global coordinate system and the texture size
static List<List<VectorXZ>> WorldModuleTexturingUtil.slopedFaceTexCoordLists(Collection<TriangleXYZ> triangles, Material material)
          creates texture coordinates for triangles that orient the texture based on each triangle's downward slope.
static List<List<VectorXZ>> WorldModuleTexturingUtil.wallTexCoordLists(List<VectorXYZ> vs, Material material)
          creates texture coordinates for a triangle strip, based on the length along a wall from the starting point, height of the vertex, and texture size.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
static void WorldModuleGeometryUtil.filterWorldObjectCollisions(Collection<VectorXZ> positions, Collection<WorldObject> worldObjects)
          removes positions from a collection if they are on the area covered by a WorldObjectWithOutline from a collection of WorldObjects.

Uses of VectorXZ in

Fields in declared as VectorXZ
protected  VectorXZ VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject.cutVector
protected  VectorXZ VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject.endPos
protected  VectorXZ VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject.startPos

Fields in with type parameters of type VectorXZ
protected  List<VectorXZ> JunctionNodeWorldObject.cutCenters
protected  List<VectorXZ> JunctionNodeWorldObject.cutVectors

Methods in that return VectorXZ
protected  VectorXZ JunctionNodeWorldObject.getCutNode(int i, boolean right)
          calculates the left or right node of a cut (Only available if junction information for this representation has been provided using JunctionNodeWorldObject.setInformation(List, List, List)).
 VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getCutVectorAt(MapNode node)
 VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getEndCutVector()
 VectorXZ NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getEndCutVector()
          returns the cut vector for the end of the line.
 VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getEndOffset()
 VectorXZ NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getEndOffset()
          returns the current offset for the end of the line.
 VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getEndPosition()
protected  VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getEndWithOffset()
 VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getStartCutVector()
 VectorXZ NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getStartCutVector()
          returns the cut vector for the start of the line.
 VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getStartOffset()
 VectorXZ NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getStartOffset()
          returns the current offset for the end of the line.
 VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getStartPosition()
protected  VectorXZ AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getStartWithOffset()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type VectorXZ
 List<VectorXZ> AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getCenterlineXZ()
          version of AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.getCenterline() in the XZ plane
 List<VectorXZ> VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject.getOutlineXZ(int from, int to)
          variant of VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject.getOutline(int, int) for the XZ plane

Methods in with parameters of type VectorXZ
 double JunctionNodeWorldObject.getClearingAbove(VectorXZ pos)
 double JunctionNodeWorldObject.getClearingBelow(VectorXZ pos)
 void AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setEndCutVector(VectorXZ cutVector)
 void NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setEndCutVector(VectorXZ cutVector)
          Sets the cut vector for the end of the line.
 void AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setEndOffset(VectorXZ offsetVector)
 void NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setEndOffset(VectorXZ offsetVector)
          Sets the offset for the end of the line.
 void VisibleConnectorNodeWorldObject.setInformation(VectorXZ cutVector, VectorXZ startPos, VectorXZ endPos, float startWidth, float endWidth)
          sets the results of NetworkCalculator's calculations.
 void AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setStartCutVector(VectorXZ cutVector)
 void NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setStartCutVector(VectorXZ cutVector)
          Sets the cut vector for the start of the line.
 void AbstractNetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setStartOffset(VectorXZ offsetVector)
 void NetworkWaySegmentWorldObject.setStartOffset(VectorXZ offsetVector)
          Sets the offset for the start of the line.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type VectorXZ
 void JunctionNodeWorldObject.setInformation(List<VectorXZ> cutCenters, List<VectorXZ> cutVectors, List<Float> widths)
          sets the results of NetworkCalculator's calculations.
 void JunctionNodeWorldObject.setInformation(List<VectorXZ> cutCenters, List<VectorXZ> cutVectors, List<Float> widths)
          sets the results of NetworkCalculator's calculations.

Uses of VectorXZ in org.osm2world.viewer.view.debug

Methods in org.osm2world.viewer.view.debug with parameters of type VectorXZ
protected static void DebugView.drawBoxAround(JOGLTarget target, VectorXZ center, Color color, float halfWidth)